Sep 25, 2020
Many individuals go through this perpetual circle of trying to better themselves only to end up exactly where they started. They work hard at something only to give in to the devil on their shoulder telling to give up because they did enough or they can't do more. In this episode, Jon talks the mastery of self-belief...
Sep 18, 2020
In this podcast Jon discusses the "haters" and how to be your true authentic self. We're often too afraid to share who we really are and Jon addresses how he developed the gall to be who he really is.
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Sep 11, 2020
In this podcast Jon discusses good leadership and what defines authentic leadership. Sit tight, grab a drink, and soak it in.
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Sep 4, 2020
Everybody is the result of their environment. Jon goes deep on discussing why there is no such thing as a successful self-made entrepreneur.
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